Can Trump Run for President Again in 2024? What's Happening in Colorado
Last Updated:  December 22, 2023  |  

Can Trump Run for President Again in 2024? What's Happening in Colorado

The debate over whether Donald Trump can run for president again in 2024 has been a topic of heated discussion. Recent developments in Colorado's top court have added complexity to this question. In this article, we will delve into the events unfolding in Colorado and their potential implications for Trump's candidacy in the next election.

The Colorado Supreme Court's Decision

The Colorado Supreme Court has issued a significant ruling, asserting that Donald Trump cannot run for president in 2024. Their decision is grounded in the belief that Trump may have played a role in inciting the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. This ruling carries profound consequences and could significantly impact Trump's political plans. However, it's important to note that this decision may still face legal challenges, and opinions on the matter vary widely.

What Experts Are Saying

Legal experts are divided on whether Trump should be allowed to run for president again. Some argue that there is a valid case for him to remain in the race and believe that Congress should ultimately decide his eligibility, rather than relying solely on the courts. In certain states, such as Florida, Michigan, and Minnesota, courts have ruled in favor of Trump's candidacy. Conversely, organizations like CREW and Free Speech for People are actively working to prevent his candidacy in various states.

More Challenges

While some states have determined that Trump can run for president in 2024, others remain undecided. Presently, 12 states are grappling with uncertainty regarding Trump's eligibility as a candidate. This issue holds national significance as the outcome in these states will impact the entire election.

Important Dates

The Colorado Supreme Court's ruling has initiated a legal battle of significant proportions. Trump is set to challenge this decision in the US Supreme Court on January 4, with the outcome determining whether the ruling applies exclusively to Colorado or extends nationwide. Given that Colorado's Republican primary is scheduled for March 5, a resolution must be reached by January 5 to avoid potential disruptions.

What's the 14th Amendment?

The 14th Amendment, a fundamental component of the United States Constitution, was enacted in the aftermath of the Civil War to ensure fair and equal treatment for all citizens. The ongoing debate revolves around whether this amendment can be invoked to prevent Trump from running in the 2024 presidential election.

Trump's Opinion

Donald Trump maintains that he should have the right to run for president in 2024 and asserts that the allegations against him are unjust. He believes that many legal experts share his viewpoint and contends that he can pursue his candidacy unless found guilty and incarcerated.

What State Officials Think

While some state officials argue that they lack the authority to prevent Trump from running and emphasize that the decision should ultimately rest with the voters, others are closely monitoring the situation. Colorado's Secretary of State is particularly vigilant due to the extraordinary nature of the circumstances.


The ongoing dispute over Donald Trump's eligibility to run for president in 2024 is a complex and contentious issue. The recent decision by the Colorado Supreme Court has further muddied the waters. This matter extends beyond Trump himself; it encompasses our understanding of the law and the Constitution. As legal battles persist and critical deadlines approach, the 2024 election becomes increasingly convoluted.

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