2024 Canada Child Tax Increase: How It Works and How to Get It
Last Updated:  December 31, 2023  |  

2024 Canada Child Tax Increase: How It Works and How to Get It

The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) program has been a cornerstone of the Canadian government's efforts to support families in raising children and reducing child poverty. The CCB, run by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), gives families with children under 18 monthly tax-free payments. In recent years, the CCB has undergone significant changes, including an increase in the maximum annual benefit. This article explores the intricacies of the CCB program, from eligibility criteria to its impact on Canadian families.

Eligibility and Application

To qualify for the CCB, families must meet specific criteria. The program is designed to assist Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons with at least one child under 18. The primary caregiver must be a resident of Canada for tax purposes, and the family's adjusted net income must fall below certain thresholds.

Applying for the CCB is a straightforward process. There are multiple methods available for applicants, including using their CRA My Account, filling out Form RC66, or calling 1-800-959-2221 to obtain a paper form. My Account is the preferred method, offering online application and account management for a seamless experience.

Payment Methods

CCB payments, including the recent increase, are delivered through two primary methods: direct deposit and cheque. Direct deposit is the recommended and faster option for receiving payments, ensuring families have timely access to their benefits. In contrast, cheques are mailed to those without banking information.

Often, families eligible for CCB payments may face issues with their payments. If you are one of them, don't worry! There are a few steps you can take to resolve the problem. Firstly, you can check your My Account for payment history and updates. This can provide you with valuable information regarding any payment discrepancies. If the issues persist or you need additional assistance, contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281. They are experts in this area and will be able to guide and support you.

Purpose of Canada Child Benefit

The primary purpose of the Canada Child Benefit is to assist families with the financial burden of raising children under 18. Raising children involves numerous expenses, including education, healthcare, childcare, and basic living costs. By providing financial support to families, the CCB aims to contribute to the well-being of children and reduce the financial stress that parents often face.

Income Thresholds

The CCB program operates on an income-based system. The maximum benefit decreases as family income increases, with specific income thresholds determining eligibility. These thresholds vary depending on the number and age of children. As family income rises, the CCB payments gradually decrease to ensure that support is directed towards those most in need.

Annual Recalculation

One of the notable features of the CCB program is its annual recalculation. Each July, the CRA recalculates the family's net income for the previous year and adjusts the CCB payment accordingly. This ensures that the benefit remains relevant and responsive to changes in a family's financial situation. In 2023, the CCB saw a 6.3% increase in payments compared to the previous year, reflecting the commitment of the government to provide adequate support to Canadian families.

Support for Child's Needs

The CCB program plays a crucial role in supporting children's day-to-day care and requirements until they reach 18 years of age. From purchasing school supplies to covering extracurricular activities, the CCB helps families meet the diverse needs of their children. By offering a steady source of financial assistance, the program enhances the overall well-being of Canadian children.

Child Disability Benefit

The Canadian government offers the Child Disability Benefit and the standard CCB. This program is designed to financially assist families with disabled children based on specific criteria set by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The Child Disability Benefit takes into account the additional expenses associated with caring for children with disabilities and aims to alleviate the financial burden on affected families.

CCB Calculator

The CCB Calculator is a government tool that helps families estimate their CCB entitlement. It allows beneficiaries to input their financial and family details to calculate the amount they can expect to receive. This helps families plan their finances effectively and make informed decisions.

Regional Variations

The Canada Child Benefit amount varies by province and is influenced by factors such as regional economic conditions and the cost of living. Families in provinces with higher living costs may receive larger payments. It is essential to know how these regional differences can affect your CCB entitlement.

Potential Increase in 2024

Looking ahead, there is speculation that there may be another increase in CCB payments in 2024. This potential increase, estimated at 6.3%, could relieve families struggling with high education costs and other essential expenses. While no official announcement has been made, the government's commitment to adjusting the CCB to address inflation and rising living costs is a positive sign for Canadian families.

Cost of Living in Different Provinces

It is crucial for families receiving the CCB to understand the varying living costs in different provinces of Canada. Living expenses vary significantly across the country due to significant regional disparities. For example, cities like Toronto are known for their high living costs, which include housing, education, and transportation. On the other hand, some provinces offer a more affordable cost of living. Despite these differences, many people choose to live in Canada because of its exceptional social services, healthcare system, and overall quality of life.

Government Aid Dependency

Millions of Canadians rely on government aid programs like the CCB to cover living expenses. As the cost of living continues to rise, these individuals and families are eager to see an increase in their benefits to better align with the reality of their expenses. Government aid is essential to ensure vulnerable populations have access to resources and maintain a decent living standard.

Preference for Canada

Despite the challenges posed by the high cost of living, Canada remains an attractive destination for individuals and families worldwide. The country's commitment to social welfare, universal healthcare, and educational opportunities makes it an appealing place to live. While the cost of living is a factor, many prioritize the overall quality of life and the services available in Canada.

CCB Anniversary and Announced Increase

The Canada Child Benefit program celebrated its seventh anniversary recently. This milestone highlights the enduring impact of the program on supporting Canadian families. Minister Karina Gould announced an increase in the maximum annual CCB benefit for the 2023–24 benefit year to mark the occasion. Families in need can now receive up to $7,437 per child under six and $6,275 per child aged six through 17. This increase, representing a 6.3% boost, underscores the government's commitment to enhancing the well-being of families nationwide.

Calculation of CCB

The calculation of CCB benefits is a nuanced process that considers various factors. The family's adjusted net income is the primary determinant of benefit amounts among these factors. Families with higher incomes receive progressively smaller CCB payments, reflecting the program's focus on assisting low- to middle-income households. Additionally, the number and age of children in the family play a role in calculating the CCB entitlement.

Payment Amounts

The baseline CCB rates from July 2023 to June 2024 are $7,437 annually for each child under six and $6,275 annually for each child aged six to seventeen. These rates are starting points and can be adjusted based on individual circumstances. The monthly payments, which range from $522.91 to $619.75, are typically made on the 20th of each month, offering families a reliable source of financial support. Families must understand how these rates are determined and how they can impact their financial situation.


The Canada Child Benefit program has become an essential source of assistance for families in Canada. The tax-free payments that are made every month provide significant financial relief to parents, helping them to cover the costs associated with raising children. The program is responsive to changes in income levels and is recalculated annually, ensuring that support is directed toward those who need it the most.

The recent increase in CCB payments reflects the government's commitment to addressing rising living costs and inflation. This increase, along with the program's transparent calculation methods and regional variations, underscores the government's dedication to enhancing family well-being and reducing child poverty.

As Canadians continue to navigate the challenges posed by the cost of living, the Canada Child Benefit remains a beacon of hope, offering families the financial support they need to provide the best possible future for their children.


  • The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) program is a vital government initiative aimed at supporting families by providing tax-free monthly payments to those with children under 18.
  • Eligibility for the CCB is based on specific criteria, including Canadian citizenship or permanent residency and meeting income thresholds.
  • Families can apply for the CCB through various methods, including the CRA My Account, Form RC66, or by phone.
  • Payment methods for CCB include direct deposit and cheques, with direct deposit being the recommended and faster option.
  • Troubleshooting is available for families encountering payment issues, and the CRA assists with their helpline.
  • The CCB aims to ease the financial burden of raising children and enhance family welfare.
  • CCB payments decrease as family income rises, ensuring support goes to those most in need.
  • The program undergoes an annual recalculation to adjust payments based on changes in family income.
  • The CCB supports various aspects of child-rearing, from education to extracurricular activities.
  • A CCB Calculator tool helps families estimate their entitlement, empowering them to plan their finances effectively.
  • Benefit amounts vary by province due to regional economic conditions and living costs.
  • There's speculation about a potential increase in CCB payments in 2024 to address inflation and rising living costs.
  • Canada's varying cost of living is essential for families receiving the CCB to consider when budgeting.
  • The CCB recently celebrated its seventh anniversary with an announced increase in maximum annual benefits.
  • Calculation of CCB benefits considers adjusted net income, with higher incomes receiving smaller payments.
  • Baseline CCB rates for 2023–24 range from $522.91 to $619.75 monthly.
  • The CCB program continues to be a beacon of hope for Canadian families by providing crucial financial support to address the challenges of raising children.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) program?

The Canadian government established the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) program to aid families in raising their children and reducing child poverty. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) manages the CCB, which offers tax-free monthly payments to qualified families with children under 18.

Who is eligible for the CCB program?

To get the CCB, families need to have a child under 18, be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons, have a primary caregiver as a resident of Canada for tax purposes, and meet certain income thresholds.

How can I apply for the CCB?

To apply for the CCB, use your CRA My Account, complete Form RC66, or call 1-800-959-2221 for a paper form. You should use your CRA My Account for a seamless experience.

What are the payment methods for the CCB?

CCB payments, including recent increases, are delivered through two primary methods: direct deposit and cheques. Direct deposit is recommended as it is faster and ensures timely access to benefits. Cheques are mailed to those who still need to provide banking information.

What should I do if I encounter issues with my CCB payments?

To fix CCB payment issues, check My Account for payment history and updates. If issues persist, contact CRA at 1-800-959-8281 for guidance.

What is the primary purpose of the Canada Child Benefit?

The primary purpose of the Canada Child Benefit is to assist families with the financial burden of raising children under 18. It helps cover various expenses such as education, healthcare, childcare, and basic living costs, ultimately contributing to the well-being of children and reducing financial stress on parents.

How are CCB payments determined?

CCB payments are income-based, with the maximum benefit decreasing as family income increases. Specific income thresholds, varying by the number and age of children in the family, determine eligibility. The program aims to ensure that support is directed towards families who need it most.

What is the annual recalculation of CCB payments?

The CCB program undergoes an annual recalculation each July. During this process, the CRA reviews the family's net income from the previous year and adjusts the CCB payment accordingly. This helps keep the benefit relevant and responsive to changes in a family's financial situation.

Are there additional benefits for families with disabled children?

The Canadian government provides two benefits—the Child Disability Benefit (CDB) and the Canada Child Benefit (CCB)—to assist families with disabled children financially. The CDB acknowledges the extra expenses associated with caring for children with disabilities and is based on specific criteria set by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Is there a tool to estimate CCB entitlement?

Yes, the government provides the CCB Calculator. This online resource allows beneficiaries to input their financial information and family details to estimate the amount they can expect to receive from the CCB program. This tool empowers families to plan their finances effectively.

How does regional variation impact CCB payments?

Due to elements like the cost of living and local economic conditions, the CCB benefit amount can vary by province in Canada. Families in provinces with higher living costs may receive larger CCB payments to offset increased expenses.

Is there a potential increase in CCB payments in 2024?

There is speculation about a potential increase in CCB payments in 2024, estimated at 6.3%. While no official announcement has been made, the government's commitment to adjusting the CCB to address inflation and rising living costs is a positive sign for Canadian families.

Why is government aid like the CCB important for Canadians?

Millions of Canadians rely on government aid programs, like the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), to cover their daily expenses. With the continuously increasing cost of living, these programs are crucial in providing vulnerable populations with access to essential resources and enabling them to maintain a decent standard of living.

Why do individuals and families prefer living in Canada despite the high cost of living?

Despite the challenges posed by the high cost of living, Canada remains an attractive destination for individuals and families worldwide. The country's commitment to social welfare, universal healthcare, and educational opportunities makes it an appealing place to live, with many prioritizing overall quality of life and available services.

What recent changes have occurred in the CCB program?

The Canada Child Benefit program recently celebrated its seventh anniversary, with Minister Karina Gould announcing an increase in the maximum annual CCB benefit for the 2023–24 benefit year. Families can now receive up to $7,437 per child under six and $6,275 per child aged six through 17, representing a 6.3% boost in payments.