Child Benefit Christmas Payment Schedule: Eligibility and Benefits
Last Updated:  December 13, 2023  |  

Child Benefit Christmas Payment Schedule: Eligibility and Benefits

Child Benefit is money that helps parents and guardians in the UK who take care of kids under 16 years old (or under 20 if they're still in school or training). This article explains Child Benefit, when you get the money, who can get it, and how to get extra money for Christmas in 2023.

When You Get Child Benefit Money for Christmas

Normally, you get Child Benefit money every four weeks on a Monday or Tuesday. But when there's a holiday like Christmas, the date can change. In 2023, you'll get your Christmas Child Benefit money on December 22, 2023. This helps families during the holiday season.

Who Can Get Child Benefit for Christmas 2023?

To get Child Benefit, you need to meet some rules:

Basic Rules:

  • Only one person can claim Child Benefit for each child.
  • You usually qualify if you take care of a child under 16 who lives in the UK. "Taking care of" can mean living with the child or paying for things they need, like food, clothes, and pocket money.

Special Cases:

  • If your child is 16 or older but still in school or training, you can still get Child Benefit.
  • You can claim if you're looking after a fostered or adopted child.
  • If you're taking care of someone else's child, you might qualify in some situations.
  • If you share responsibilities with someone else, you need to agree on who claims Child Benefit.
  • You could get Child Benefit if you live abroad in certain places or work as a Crown servant.

You can get Child Benefit for as many children as you're taking care of.

When You Get Child Benefit for Christmas

Usually, Child Benefit comes every four weeks. But it can change when there's a holiday. Here are the dates for Christmas 2023:

Payment Due DatePayment Date
Monday, December 25, 2023Friday, December 22, 2023
Tuesday, December 26, 2023Friday, December 22, 2023
Wednesday, December 27, 2023Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Monday, January 1, 2024 (New Year's Day)Friday, December 29, 2023
Tuesday, January 2, 2024Tuesday, January 2, 2024

How to Check When You Get Child Benefit

You can find out the exact date you'll get Child Benefit by:

  • Checking a letter that tells you.
  • Logging into your account online.
  • Calling the Child Benefit Office.

How Much Money You Get and How Often

Here's how much Child Benefit money you can get:

Child Benefit Amounts
  • For your oldest or only child: £24.00 per week.
  • For extra children: £15.90 per week for each child.
How Often You Get Paid
  • Usually every 4 weeks on a Monday or Tuesday.
  • Some people can get it every week, like single parents or those on certain benefits like Universal Credit.
If Families Split Up
  • Your oldest child gets £24.00 per week.
  • If each child lives with a different parent, both parents can get £24.00 per child.
  • You can only claim once for each child.
  • Extra children get £15.90 per week.
If Families Join Together
  • The oldest child gets £24.00 per week.
  • Extra children get £15.90 per week.
High Income Child Benefit ChargeIf your family makes more than £50,000 a year after taxes, you might have to pay some of the money back.

How to Get Child Benefit for Christmas

If you can get Child Benefit and want the extra money for Christmas, do these things:

Start Your Claim:

  • You can ask for Child Benefit 2 days after your child is born or comes to live with you.
  • You can even apply up to 3 months before.

Before You Apply:

  • Get these papers ready:
    • Your child's birth or adoption certificate.
    • Bank details.
    • National Insurance numbers for you and your partner (if you have one).
  • If you need a new birth or adoption certificate, get it before you apply.

Special Case: If Your Child Was Born Outside the UK:

  • Send in these papers:
    • Your child's original birth or adoption certificate.
    • Your child's passport or travel document used to enter the UK.
  • They'll send your papers back within 4 weeks. If you don't have the right certificate, apply now and send it later.

In short, Child Benefit gives money to families with kids in the UK. Knowing when you'll get paid, who can get it, and how to apply for extra money at Christmas can help make your holidays even better. Getting the money on time can really make a difference in making your holiday season happy.

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