Federal Employee Pay Increase in 2024 – Closing the Gap and Helping Workers
Last Updated:  December 24, 2023  |  

Federal Employee Pay Increase in 2024 – Closing the Gap and Helping Workers

In 2024, people who work for the government are getting a pay raise of 5.2%. This is a big deal because it's meant to make their pay closer to what people in private companies get. Let's take a closer look at this pay raise, what it means, and why it's happening.

Federal Employee Pay Raise in 2024: Making Things Fair

In 2024, things have been tough because prices for everything keep going up (inflation), and the pay for government workers hasn't kept up with what people in private companies get paid. But this year, the government decided to give government workers a 5.2% raise. It won't make everything perfect, but it's a big step toward making things more equal and showing that government workers are important.

Key Things About the 2024 Federal Employee Pay Raise

Average Raise of 5.2%This means that, on average, government workers will get 5.2% more money. Some of it (4.7%) is just a general raise for everyone, and the rest (0.5%) is to help workers in certain areas where the cost of living is really high.
Changes in Where You LiveThe government also changed how they decide how much extra pay people get in different areas. This will affect about 33,300 workers in places like Seattle, Washington, and Reno-Fernley, Nevada, who will now get more extra pay.
There's Still a DifferenceEven with this raise, government workers still get paid less (about 27.54% less) than people in private companies. So, there's more work to do to make things even and make sure the government can hire and keep good workers.

Why Government Workers Are Getting More Money

Prices Are Going UpThings like food, rent, and gas keep getting more expensive, so workers need more money to keep up with these higher costs.
It's Hard to Find WorkersAfter the pandemic, lots of people changed jobs, and now it's harder for the government to find good workers. Giving raises can help keep good workers and get new ones.
It's Not Just About MoneyBesides getting paid more, the government is also trying to make work better by offering more flexible options, like working from home sometimes.
Thinking About the FutureWhile getting more money now is important, we also need to look at the bigger picture and make sure government workers get paid fairly over time.
Many People Still StruggleEven with the raise, many Americans still have trouble affording basic things. So, we need to keep working on making sure people can earn enough to live comfortably.

Benefits of the 2024 Federal Employee Pay Raise

The raise in 2024 has some good things:

More MoneyGovernment workers will have more money to spend because of the raise.
Better Hiring and Keeping WorkersThe raise helps the government compete with private companies for good workers.
Showing SupportIt shows that the government values its workers and wants to keep them happy and motivated.
Possible More RaisesThe President is open to giving more raises in the future, and a group called the Federal Salary Council can recommend more raises too.

Limitations of the 2024 Federal Employee Pay Raise

But there are some challenges:

1.Prices Keep Going Up: Even with the raise, things are still getting more expensive, so it might not feel like a huge raise for some people.
2.Not the Same for Everyone: The raise might not help everyone equally because of where they live.
3.Need for Long-Term Plans: This raise is just for this year, and we need to think about making things better for government workers in the long run.


The 2024 federal employee pay raise is a big step in making sure government workers get paid fairly. It's not perfect, and there are still challenges, but it's a positive change that will help government workers and show that their work is important.

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