Jammu Colleges to Get Decent Winter Vacations
Last Updated:  December 22, 2023  |  

Jammu Colleges to Get Decent Winter Vacations

The Jammu and Kashmir Higher Education Department has said that colleges in Jammu and Kashmir are getting a winter break. This break will start from December 27, 2023, and end on February 14, 2024, in the Kashmir area.

The Higher Education Department's Principal Secretary, Alok Kumar, said that government colleges in Kashmir will have their winter break from December 27, 2023, to February 14, 2024. This break is to help students and teachers because it's very cold in winter, and some colleges don't have good heating.

Also, government colleges in the Jammu area, which is also very cold in winter, will also have a winter break starting on the same day as Kashmir colleges. But government colleges in the Jammu area that usually have milder winters will start their break from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

This decision to have a winter break comes after the Higher Education Department ordered online classes for all government colleges in Kashmir from December 1, 2023. They did this because winter came early, and it was tough for students to go to college because of the cold.

Dr. Ravi Shanker Sharma, Special Secretary to the government, said that the situation was getting worse because of the cold and because students had to travel long distances to go to college or find a place to stay. He said students were having a hard time because of the harsh winter.

The government also talked about making sure that students can keep learning even when it's really cold. They said, "To make sure students can keep learning in bad and very cold weather, all the Principals of Government Degree Colleges in Kashmir will have online classes from December 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, or until the winter break starts, whichever happens first."

The decision to have a winter break and do online classes is all about keeping students and teachers safe and making sure education keeps going during the tough winter months in Jammu and Kashmir.

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