COVID-19 in Kerala: What You Need to Know
Last Updated:  December 24, 2023  |  

COVID-19 in Kerala: What You Need to Know

Kerala, a picturesque state in India, continues to grapple with the COVID-19 virus. Recent reports indicate the detection of 1324 new cases, with 180 of them recorded in the last 24 hours. In response to this ongoing challenge, Kerala has been implementing various rules and treatments to combat the spread of the virus.

What's Happening with COVID-19 in Kerala

Kerala's natural beauty contrasts with the unfortunate reality of a rising number of COVID-19 cases. India, as a whole, reported 312 new COVID-19 cases in a single day, and a significant portion of these cases emerged in Kerala. Over the past week, Kerala has witnessed a surge in cases, reaching a total of 1324. This surge is a concerning development.

India, as a whole, has faced the grim toll of 5,33,310 COVID-19 deaths, with 4.50 crore confirmed cases. However, there is a glimmer of hope as well. Many individuals have recovered, contributing to a recovery rate of 98.81 percent. This means that nearly 99 out of every 100 infected individuals are successfully recovering. India has also administered an impressive 220.67 crore vaccine shots in its fight against the virus.

Common Signs of COVID-19 in Kerala

COVID-19 can manifest in various ways, but in Kerala, the majority of affected individuals experience symptoms such as fever, fatigue, or a dry cough. Some may present with milder symptoms like abdominal discomfort, a sore throat, a runny nose, or body aches. Approximately 80 percent of COVID-19 cases in Kerala resolve without requiring specialized medical intervention. However, one in six individuals with COVID-19 in Kerala may experience severe illness, particularly older adults or those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart problems. If you or someone you know exhibits symptoms such as fever, cough, or breathing difficulties, seeking prompt medical assistance is crucial.

COVID-19 Rules in Kerala

Kerala has enacted stringent rules to curb the spread of COVID-19. These rules include:

  1. Individuals caring for COVID-19 patients should wear three-layer medical masks.
  2. Be mindful not to touch the mask.
  3. Change the mask if it becomes wet or soiled.
  4. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 40 seconds after close contact with an infected person.
  5. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if hands are not visibly dirty.
  6. When assisting a sick person, particularly with feeding, wear disposable gloves.
  7. Wash dishes and utensils while wearing gloves, which can be reused after proper cleaning.
  8. Thoroughly wash hands after handling used items or removing gloves.
  9. When handling the clothing or bedding of a sick person, wear a triple-layer mask and dispose of gloves afterward.
  10. Prior to and after glove removal, practice thorough hand hygiene.

How COVID-19 Spreads in Kerala

COVID-19 primarily spreads through person-to-person transmission. Infected individuals can release tiny respiratory droplets into the air when coughing or exhaling, potentially contaminating surfaces. Touching contaminated surfaces and subsequently touching one's face can result in infection. Inhaling respiratory droplets from an infected person also poses a risk. To mitigate this, maintaining a distance of at least one meter (three feet) from individuals displaying symptoms or coughing is crucial.

COVID-19 Treatment in Kerala

If you contract COVID-19 in Kerala, follow these steps:

  1. Inform your doctor about your symptoms and any worsening conditions.
  2. Continue taking any prescribed medications.
  3. If you have a fever, runny nose, or cough, consult your doctor for guidance. You can also seek online medical consultations through the e-Sanjeevani service.
  4. Gargle with warm water or inhale steam three times a day if it provides relief.
  5. If your fever persists after taking paracetamol 650 mg four times a day (but refrain from exceeding this dosage), contact your doctor.

In conclusion, Kerala, like the rest of the world, is diligently combating the COVID-19 pandemic. To contribute to these efforts, adhere to the established rules, exercise caution, and promptly consult a healthcare professional if you exhibit symptoms. Stopping the spread of the virus and ensuring everyone's safety requires collective action. Stay vigilant, and together, we can conquer this virus!

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